Hey, Sergio here, a Cybersecurity Researcher and Blockchain Engineer.
Last known information
Current position

Blockchain Security Engineer
Very summarized CV
- Computer Engineering Degree at University of Deusto.
- DeustoTech Computing Intern.
- International internship at University of Oulu thanks to Erasmus programme.
- Recognition of the best final Computer Engineering Degree project.
- Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering with expertise in Big Data (Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Flink and Ambari) at University of Deusto.
- Internship at Iberdrola S.A.
- New Job at Irontec, Internet y Sistemas sobre GNU/Linux
- Backend PHP Developer
- 2017: New Job at Tecnalia Research && Innovation
- Tech Speaker.
- Consulting and Blockchain Tech Advisor for SME companies, MID-CAP, etc.
- Daily work with Hyperledger Indy, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Quorum, Solidity.
- Go programming language expert.
- 2022: New Job at CertiK
Primary and daily active languages: Go
Secondary: Solidity, Vue, Android, Kotlin, R, Python, Java
Areas of interes (cybersecurity field related stuff only): distributed systems, blockchain, privacy-preseving technologies/algorithms/protocols, applied crypto, machine-learning, re, pentesting.
Available for hiring/help
If you have read some of my posts, or you know what are my expertise areas, do not hesitate to contact me in case you have a related project or you think I can be of help. It is very possible that we can find a way of collaboration.
Let me do OSINT for you
Here are my public available information sources, that you can find about me online:
Platform | URL |
Github | https://github.com/zerjioang |
Keybase | https://keybase.io/zerjioang |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergio-anguita |
If you find me in any other website of platform, just salute to identity copycats/thiefs for me.
Contact information
Please contact me at https://keybase.io/zerjioang. If you consider contacting me by other ways such as email, consider sending the information encrypted using PGP key below.
Public PGP key for email contact